Progress Toward a Degree

The student is responsible for selecting and registering for courses necessary for reasonable progress toward the degree sought. The minimum requirement for reasonable academic progress is that the student must pass a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in an academic year.

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for registration, recording and reporting grades; maintaining current and permanent records on all students; enforcing rules on academic warning, probation and suspension; certifying students for graduation; and issuing transcripts. The office is located in the Campbell Hall, 1300 University Blvd. CH 117A, Birmingham, AL 35294., (205) 934-8228.

Students must notify the Office of the Registrar of address changes so that notices and other materials are sent to the current address. Changes may be made online in BlazerNET or in person.

Declaration of a Major

All students must declare a degree-awarding major by the time they earn 60 semester hours of coursework, including courses currently in progress, before registering for the next semester. Students who (1) have been dismissed from a degree-awarding major or professional program, (2) have over 60 semester hours of coursework, including courses currently in progress, and (3) are in a non-degree awarding major* must declare a new degree-awarding major before enrolling for a second semester. Students who do not declare a major within the stated time-frame will not be allowed to register for the next term and must contact their academic adviser and change their major before enrolling.

Newly admitted students who have previously earned 60 or more hours without receiving a baccalaureate degree must declare a degree-awarding major during their first term of enrollment.

Conditions for acceptance of a student into a major vary by department, school, and college. Majors should be declared or changed online at BlazerNET . Some majors are subject to additional admission requirements and enrollment limitations.

School, Major, or Address Changes

Changes or corrections to a student’s address, telephone number, school, or major can be made online through BlazerNET or at or in person at One Stop Student Services, Room 103 of the Hill Student Center, 1400 University Blvd., Birmingham, Alabama 35294-1150.

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